Can I have more than one company file?
Unfortunately, in this case, you will need to have two separated accounts. and you will be charged separately too.
How do I cancel Mijnfinance if I decide it isn’t right for me?
It’s really easy to cancel within your software with a few clicks of your mouse.
Does Mijnfinance provides onsite setup assistance?
We do not provide on-site support directly. We have a friendly and knowledgeable support team that is here to help you along the way.
Is there a minimum subscription period?
If you cancel within your free 30 day trial period, you won’t be charged anything. If you’re a paying subscriber and you cancel your subscription to Mijnfinance Service for any reason, Mijnfinance is unable to provide you with a pro-rata refund for the rest of the month that you paid for upfront. You will continue to get the Mijnfinance Service for the remainder of the month you paid for which is when the cancellation of the subscription is made effective and when you will no longer have access to the service.